[Growth][Game-Guide] Residence

2024-05-22 13:00
This is Darkgamer Game Guide.
You may check detailed explanation below.

※ Moonlight Sculptor: Darkgamer can be played on both Mobile and PC, This guide is based on PC Version.
 Entering Residence

 - Use the house shaped Residence Button left of HUD or by the Residence Button in the Menu
 - Lv.35 is required to enter Residence UI
  Manage Residence

1 Menu - Menu Bar to select function
2 Residence Lv. - Check Residence Lv, and Level Up the Residence
3 Facility Progress - Display Progress Bar of Facility production
4 Visitors Today - Display No. of visitors Today
5 Move to Home - Button to move to Residence Home

 - Completed Sets of Buddy , Weapon Shapes, and Armor Shapes can be displayed at Residence
 - Displayed Sets provide efficiency buff to facility production
1 Current Display - Shows currently displayed Sets and effects
2 Display Selection List - Select and change to displayable Sets
3 Bookmark - Displays Set Effects that are stored as Bookmarks
 Dismantle Furniture

1 Dismantle List - Selected items that are to be dismantled and the results
2 Item List - Displays items that can be dismantled

 Residence Storage

 - Items acquired from Facilities, Dismantle Results, and Furnitures are stored in Residence Storage
 - Items in Bag cannot be stored in Residence Storage, and items except Furnitures can be retrieved to Bag

 Residence Facilities

 - Items are produced in Facilities on a regular basis
 - Produced Items can be retrieved by interacting with Facility Manager NPCs
 - Furniture Chests can be crafted by using material items produced from Residence Facility
 - Facility can also be levelled up after levelling up the Residence
Facility Name Details
- Level-up each Facility in the Residence
- Basic material items like Rock, Fiber, Wood, and Iron Ore can be acquired
- Farming Energy Chest containing rare items can be acquired rarely
- Furniture materials can also be acquired seldomly
- Basic material items like Whetstone and Jewel can be acquired
- Mining Ore Chest containing rare items can be acquired rarely
- Furniture materials can also be acquired seldomly
- Basic material items like Breath and Fish can be acquired
- Fishing Essence Chest containing rare items can be acquired rarely
- Furniture materials can also be acquired seldomly

 Placing Furnitures

 - Use the Edit button at the lower right corner to enter Edit Mode

1 Place Amount & Reset - Displays maximum number of Furnitures that can be placed
- Reset Button to retrieve all placed furnitures
2 Revert & Finish - Revert Button to cancel the most recent Furniture placement
- Finish to save the current placement
3 Zoom Slider - Change camera zoom in Edit Mode
4 Furniture Filter - Filter Furnitures according to category
  • 'View Set' to filter according to Sets
  • Click each Furniture Type Icons to filter selected type
  • Click All Button to filter Furnitures according to Grade
5 Furniture List - Display list of Furnitures that can be placed
  • Furnitures that have been possessed at least once are all displayed

※ This guide was produced under test environment. 


※ Impersonating Character Name used in the guide can lead to account sanction. 

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