[Notice]12/18(Wed) Regular Maintenance Notice (Modified)
2024-12-13 17:00
Hello Adventurers,
This is <Moonlight Sculptor: Darkgamer>.
This is <Moonlight Sculptor: Darkgamer>.
We have Regular Maintenance scheduled for 12/18 (Wed).
Please refer to the notice below for details.
【 12/18 (Wed) Regular Maintenance 】
◈ Maintenance Schedule :
- 12/18 (Wed) 08:00 ~ 11:00 UTC+8 (3 hours)
◈ Target Servers :
- All
◈ Maintenance Details
※ Division period and region may change according to circumstances.
- New Chapter 7 Region and Main Quest
- Plain of Despair region will be added. (Orc Village, Ruined Temple Entrance)
- New field bosses Garochi and Hydra are added.
- Equipment, achievement, collection book, etc. will be added accordingly.
- Unique Boss Bazilan will be added at Ruined Temple Entrance.
- World Contents [Spiren's Night], [Spiren's Twilight], [Frozen Spiren], and [Valhalla] will be divided per region.
※ Division period and region may change according to circumstances.
- New Server Safe Channel will be deleted, and Safe Channels that can be entered per region will be added.
- Boss does not appear at Safe Channel.
- New Legendary Equipment Crafting
- New Transcend Buddy Feature
- New Transcend Buddy Feature
- Buddy stat can be increased through Transcend Buddy.
- Transcend Buddy is available for Buddies over Heroic grade.
- Same-grade Buddy Soul, materials, and gold are needed to use the Transcend Buddy feature.
- Legendary/Mythic Fuse Achievement Requirement Decrease
- Combined Exchange
- Exchange will be combined for all servers to be able to buy and sell.
※ Please take into account that distribution may take some time. Adventurers desiring to use Combined Exchange quickly will need to retrieve registered items at Exchange manually before the 12/18(Wed) Maintenance.
- New Armor Shape- New armor shapes will be added.
- 1 Rare, 2 Heroic, 1 Legendary, 1 Mythic
- Residence Set Effects are updated accordingly.
- Chapter 6 Region Difficulty Decrease
- Storage Store Item
- Storage Store Item
- Items stored at storage will be able to be used.
- New passive skills able to be acquired in Chapter 7 region will be added.
- 1 Rare, 1 Heroic
- Common grade items in the Repeat Collection Book can be replaced with Token of Hestia.
- Uncommon Polish Stone used at uncommon polish will be added.
- Auto-Enhance Skill feature will be added at Convenience.
- Christmas and New Year's events are planned along with various rewards such as Legendary/Heroic Summon Ticket, high-grade Unique Relic, Heroic Monster Card, etc.
- Max. DMG towards combat with monsters will be adjusted.
- New Sol Canyon Season (Added 12/17)
- Sol Canyon Season 10 will begin after the 12/18(Wed) Maintenance.
※ Details can be checked in the Sol Canyon Guide (Link).
◈ Other Information
- All time-sensitive items will be extended for the duration of Maintenance.
We will try our best to provide quality service to all Adventurers.
Thank You.
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