[Policy]Enhance Equipment Rate (Modified 10/30)

2024-07-10 00:00
☆ Precautions
- Great Success Rate is applied upon using 'Blessed Enhance Scroll'.
- Equipment is destroyed upon Enhance failure.
- Range for 100% Enhance differs by Equipment type.
- Protection Stone can be used at certain levels and prevents equipment from destroying on enhancement.
- Equipment's Enhance Level decreases upon enhance failure by using Protection Stone.
- Protection Stone cannot be used for Weapon/Armor +1~6, +11~20.
- Protection Stone cannot be used for Accessory/Orb/Armband/Talisman/Medal +1~2 and +7~10.
☆ Enhance Rate on Enhance Scroll/Blessed Enhance Scroll use
- Common ~ Legendary Grade Weapon Equipment Enhance Rate
Enhance LvAll Weapon 
  Success Rate Great Sucess(+2) Rate
1 100% 45%
2 100% 40%
3 100% 35%
4 100% 30%
5 100% 25%
6 51% 20%
7 28% 15%
8 18% 12%
9 13% 10%
10 10% 10%
11 9% 10%
12 9% 10%
13 9% 10%
14 9% 10%
15 9% 10%
16 9% 10%
17 8% 10%
18 8% 10%
19 8% 10%
20 8% 10%

☆ Common ~ Legendary Grade Armor Equipment Enhance Rate

Enhance LvHelmet/Armor/Gloves/Cloak Armband 
  Success Rate Great Sucess(+2) Rate Success Rate Great Sucess(+2) Rate
1 100% 45% 100% 25%
2 100% 40% 74% 20%
3 100% 35% 40% 15%
4 100% 30% 29% 12%
5 100% 25% 23% 10%
6 51% 20% 19% 10%
7 28% 15% 15% 10%
8 18% 12% 13% 10%
9 13% 10% 11% 10%
10 10% 10% 10% 10%
11 9% 10% 10% 10%
12 9% 10% 10% 10%
13 9% 10% 10% 10%
14 9% 10% 10% 10%
15 9% 10% 10% 10%
16 9% 10% 10% 10%
17 8% 10% 10% 10%
18 8% 10% 10% 10%
19 8% 10% 10% 10%
20 8% 10% 10% 10%

☆ Common ~ Legendary Accessory Enhance Rate

Enhance LvAll Accessory 
  Success Rate Great Sucess(+2) Rate
1 100% 25%
2 74% 20%
3 40% 15%
4 29% 12%
5 23% 10%
6 19% 10%
7 15% 10%
8 13% 10%
9 11% 10%
10 10% 10%
11 10% 10%
12 10% 10%
13 10% 10%
14 10% 10%
15 10% 10%
16 10% 10%
17 10% 10%
18 10% 10%
19 10% 10%
20 10% 10%

☆ Common ~ Unique Grade Relic Enhance Rate

Enhance LvAll Relic 
  Success Rate Great Sucess(+2) Rate
1 100% 25%
2 80% 20%
3 60% 15%
4 40% 12%
5 30% 10%
6 25% 10%
7 15% 10%
8 15% 10%
9 15% 10%
10 15% 10%
11 15% 10%
12 15% 10%
13 15% 10%
14 15% 10%
15 15% 10%
16 15% 10%
17 15% 10%
18 15% 10%
19 15% 10%
20 15% 10%

☆ Common~Legendary Auxiliary Weapon Enhance Rate

Enhance LvAll Auxiliary Weapon
  Success Rate Great Sucess(+2) Rate
1 100% 25%
2 74% 20%
3 40% 15%
4 29% 12%
5 23% 10%
6 19% 10%
7 15% 10%
8 13% 10%
9 11% 10%
10 10% 10%
11 10% 10%
12 10% 10%
13 10% 10%
14 10% 10%
15 10% 10%
16 10% 10%
17 10% 10%
18 10% 10%
19 10% 10%
20 10% 10%


☆ Enhance Rate on Protection Stone/Blessed Protection Stone use

- Common~Legendary Grade Weapon Equipment Enhance Rate

Enhance LevelAll Weapon Common
Success RateGreat Success(+2) Rate
7 10% 20%
8 8% 5%
9 5% 3%
10 3% 2%


 - Common~Legendary Auxiliary Weapon Enhance Rate

Enhance LevelAll Auxiliary Weapon Common
Success RateGreat Success(+2) Rate
3 10% 20%
4 8% 5%
5 5% 3%
6 3% 2%


- Common~Legendary Grade Armor Equipment Enhance Rate

Enhance LevelHelmet/Armor/Gloves/CloakEnhance LevelArmband
Success RateGreat Success(+2) RateSuccess RateGreat Success(+2) Rate
7 10% 20% 3 10% 20%
8 8% 5% 4 8% 5%
9 5% 3% 5 5% 3%
10 3% 2% 6 3% 2%


- Common~Legendary Accessory Equipment Enhance Rate

Enhance LevelAll Accessory Common
Success RateGreat Success(+2) Rate
3 10% 20%
4 8% 5%
5 5% 3%
6 3% 2%


- Enhance Level Decrease Rate on Protection Stone Enhance Failure

Enhance LevelWeapon/ArmorEnhance LevelAccessory/Orb/Armband/Talisman/Medal
7 90% 3 90%
8 90% 4 90%
9 90% 5 90%
10 90% 6 90%
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