[Notice]New Growing Server! 09/11(Wed) 'A5 Archzan' Pre-Registration Notice (Modified)

2024-08-28 12:00

Hello Adventurers,
This is <Moonlight Sculptor: Darkgamer>.
First, we would like to thank our Adventurers for giving much love and support to Moonlight Sculptor: Darkgamer. 
New Growing Server 'A5 Archzan (K14 니드호그, S5 尼祿, J3 コウエン)' will open after the 09/11(Wed) Maintenance.
You will experience amazing growth speed never had until now at the new Growing Server.
Get ready to participate with various benefits as Rewards per Event Mission, Power-Up Buffs, and more!
Please refer to the notice below for details.

[A5 Archzan Server's Special Benefits]

☆ Max. 3 Legendary Types! Heroic Equipment Support!
  • Rewards per Event Mission are given to help increase CP.
  • Various rewards can be obtained from [Main Quest Complete, Collection Book Complete, New Server Exclusive Mission Event], etc. along with Reach Level and Increase CP Missions below.
  • Details on Various Event Missions can be checked on the Event Notice after 09/11(Wed) Maintenance.
Reach Level Mission
Reach LV. 15
Special Uncommon Passive Skill Selection Chest Ⅰ x1
Reach LV. 20
[Power-Up] Growth Support Chest x1
Reach LV. 25
+5 Unique Brooch, Bracelet Chest x1
Reach LV. 30
Special Uncommon Passive Skill Selection Chest Ⅱ x1
Reach LV. 35
+6 Alphard Weapon Selection Chest x1
Reach LV. 38
+5 Unique Holy Treasure, Belt Chest x1
Reach LV. 40
+6 Alphard Armor Chest x1
Reach LV. 43
Special Rare Passive Skill Selection Chest x1
Reach LV. 45
+5 Unique Pendant, Seal Chest x1
Reach LV. 48
+2 Mageia Accessory Chest x1
Reach LV. 50
+6 Unique Brooch, Bracelet Chest x1
Reach LV. 52
+6 Unique Holy Treasure, Belt Chest x1
Reach LV. 54
+6 Unique Pendant, Seal Chest x1
Reach LV. 55
Special Heroic Passive Skill Selection Chest x1


Increase CP Mission (09/02 Modified)
Purchase Freya's Power-Up Support Gift Ⅰ at Shop
Common Summon Chest x1
Increase CP 15000
Uncommon Summon Chest x1
Increase CP 20000
Rare Armor Shape Summon Ticket x10
Increase CP 25000
Heroic Weapon Shape Summon Ticket x1
Increase CP 30000
Rare Buddy Egg x10
Increase CP 35000
Heroic Armor Shape Summon Ticket Selection Chest x2
Increase CP 40000
Rare Weapon Shape Summon Ticket x10
Increase CP 43000
Heroic Buddy Egg x1
Increase CP 45000
Eccentric Inventor Weapon Shape Summon Ticket (Legendary) x1
Increase CP 47000
Heroic Armor Shape Summon Ticket Selection Chest x2
Increase CP 50000
Heroic Summon Ticket Selection Chest x2
Increase CP 53000
Heroic Summon Ticket Selection Chest x2
Increase CP 55000
Heroic Summon Ticket Selection Chest x2
Increase CP 60000
Kamosha Buddy Egg (Legendary) x1
Increase CP 70000
Heroic Summon Ticket Selection Chest x6
Increase CP 80000
Legendary Armor Shape Summon Ticket x1

  Ⅰ. [Power-Up] Growth Support Chest Details

 - Weapon and Equipment are given according to class upon use.

Special Alphard Weapon Chest (Event) Special Alphard Weapon/Armor Chest (Event) is given according to class upon opening.
Special Alphard Equipment (Event) has equal ATK and DEF to +6 Alphard Equipment.
Special Alphard Equipment (Event) cannot be enhanced and destroyed. 
Special Alphard Armor Chest (Event)
Special Mageia Accessory Chest (Event) - Necklace, Earrings, and Ring are given upon opening the Special Mageia Accessory Chest.
- Special Mageia Accessory Chest (Event) has equal ATK and DEF +2 Mageia Accessory.
- Special Mageia Accessory Chest (Event) cannot be enhanced and destroyed. 

 ※ Each chest will expire after 7 days.

 - Special Alphard Equipment Option

Special Alphard Equipment (All class equal) ATK 47, ACC +10, MP Recovery +4
Special Alphard Helmet DEF 31, ACC +6, MP Recovery +3
Special Alphard Armor DEF 37, EVD +3, ACC +3, MP Recovery +3
Special Alphard Gloves DEF 30, ATK SPD +4%, ACC +3, MP Recovery +3
Special Alphard Cloak DEF 27, ACC +5, MP Recovery +3
Special Mageia Necklace DEF 24, Skill DMG +1%, MOV SPD +10, ACC  +3
Special Mageia Earrings DEF 20, Crit RES +1%, EVD +2, ACC +3
Special Mageia Ring ATK 13, Skill DMG +1%, ACC  +5

 ※ Each equipment upon opening will expire after 28 days.

  Ⅱ. Special Uncommon Passive Skill Chest Ⅰ Details

 - Obtains Skillbook according to class upon opening

Warrior Skill Book [Two-Handed Weapon Expert] (Character) x1
Archer Skill Book [Bow Specialist] (Character) x1
Mage Skill Book [Staff Specialist] (Character) x1
Paladin Skill Book [One-Handed Weapon Specialist] (Character) x1
Sculptor Skill Book [Dagger Specialist] (Character)
Lancer Skill Book [Lance Specialist] (Character) x1
Gunslinger Skill Book [Rifle Expert] (Character) x1
Dimensionist Skill Book [Wand Expert] (Character) x1


  Ⅲ. Special Uncommon Passive Skill Chest Ⅱ Details

 - Obtains Skillbook according to class upon opening

Warrior Skill Book [Survival Expert] (Character) x1
Archer Skill Book [Hit Specialist] (Character) x1
Mage Skill Book [Magic Expert] (Character) x1
Paladin Skill Book [Defense Specialist] (Character) x1
Sculptor Skill Book [Tech Specialist] (Character) x1
Lancer Skill Book [War Expert] (Character) x1
Gunslinger Skill Book [Shooting Expert] (Character) x1
Dimensionist Skill Book [Dimension Specialist] (Character) x1


  Ⅳ. Special Rare Passive Skill Chest Details

 - Obtains Skillbook according to class upon opening

Warrior Skill Book [Perseverance] (Character) x1
Archer Skill Book [Hawk Eye] (Character) x1
Mage Skill Book [Moonlight Well] (Character) x1
Paladin Skill Book [Devotion] (Character) x1
Sculptor Skill Book [Weakness Detection] (Character) x1
Lancer Skill Book [Concentration] (Character) x1
Gunslinger Skill Book [War Tech] (Character) x1
Dimensionist Skill Book [Instance Horizon] (Character) x1


  Ⅴ. Special Heroic Passive Skill Chest Details

 - Obtains Skillbook according to class upon opening

Warrior Skill Book [Combat Spirit] (Character) x1
Archer Skill Book [Tracker's Instinct] (Character) x1
Mage Skill Book [Mana Research] (Character) x1
Paladin Skill Book [Patience] (Character) x1
Sculptor Skill Book [Lunar Eclipse] (Character) x1
Lancer Skill Book [Fire Dragon Breath] (Character) x1
Gunslinger Skill Book [Air Cavalry] (Character) x1
Dimensionist Skill Book [Body Intrusion] (Character) x1


☆ Growing Server Exclusive 'Power-Up' Event!

   Ⅰ.  Character Power-Up Buff

LevelApplied Period
LV. 10 ~ 60
Enemy Kill Bonus EXP +30%
Until 2024/12/03(Tue) 22:59 UTC+8
(3 Months)
Enemy Kill Bonus Gold +100%
Quest Bonus EXP +100%
ACC Increase + 10

    Ⅱ. Guild Power-Up Buff

Applied Buff
Applied Period
Guild EXP + 100%
Until 2024/09/25(Wed) 22:59 UTC+8
(2 Weeks)

 ※ Power-Up Buff's Applied Period may change upon circumstances.

☆ Equal Competition for New Servers per Region!

  • New Servers' World Contents will match independently for equal competition.
Independent Match Status
Spiren's Night
(K14 니드호그, A5 Archzan, S5 尼祿, J3 コウエン)
Spiren's Twilight
(K14 니드호그, A5 Archzan, S5 尼祿, J3 コウエン)
(K14 니드호그, A5 Archzan, S5 尼祿, J3 コウエン)
Sol Canyon
(K14 니드호그, A5 Archzan, S5 尼祿, J3 コウエン)
[World] East Rosheim Fortress
(K14 니드호그, A5 Archzan, S5 尼祿, J3 コウエン)
※ Opened upon Content Schedule
[World] Marias's Cave
(Integrated Match with Previous Servers)


☆ New Server Increase CP Event!

  • Abundant accumulative rewards will be given according to the number of Adventurers reaching target CP. (Refer to Future Notice)

☆ New Server Gift Distribution!

  • Thank You Gift to Adventurers playing the New Server will be sent through the mailbox.
PD's Launching Gift
(Available for over LV.40)
Unique Relic Selection Chest (Event) 10
Uncommon Craft Material Selection Chest (Character) 10
Polish Stone (Account) 20
Gold Ingot (Character) 20
Enhance Scroll Selection Chest (Character) 20
Eve's Summon 11 Selection Chest (Character) 3


※ Precautions

  • New Server(A5 Archzan)'s character creation rewards are automatically given through the mailbox.
  • A5 Archzan Server does not provide Server Transfer Service for a certain period.
  • Newly created characters can only play on Growing Server.
    • Another Server's Character cannot transfer to Growing Server.


We would appreciate all the caring support to provide joy to more Adventurers.

Darkgamer will strive to develop and provide the best service.

Thank You.

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