[System][Basic-Guide] Character Info

2023-10-24 16:49
This is Darkgamer Game Guide.
You may check detailed explanation below.
※ Moonlight Sculptor: Darkgamer can be played on both Mobile and PC, This guide is based on PC Version.

 Character Info

※ Click the Icon below to access detailed Character info.

■ Character Stat

No. Category Detail
1 Character Basic Info Displays current character’s Class, Level and Character Name.
2 Ability

Displays current character’s current Ability.

 ※ Red dot mark appears when there is undistributed Stat Point.

3 Stat Point

Displays current character’s available Stat Points for distribution.

4 CP/Character Details Displays Character CP and other details.
Click on 'Details' for a detailed info about the character.

■ Character Image

No. Category Detail
1 Image Tab Displays current character’s Image.
2 Hide Helmet Checkbox

Displays current character’s Image without Helmet if checked.

■ 캐릭터 칭호

No. Category Detail
1 Title Displays Titles to equip before character’s name.
2 Title Filter

Sort Titles with conditions.

3 Title Details

Displays the Title’s name and conditions to acquire it.

■ Character Buff

No. Category Detail
1 Buff Displays current character’s applied Buffs.
2 Classification

Sorts the different Buffs currently applied to the character.

3 Buff detail

Displays the details of the currently applied Buffs to the character (e.g. effects, durations).

※ This guide was produced under test environment.

※Impersonating Character Name used in the guide can lead to account sanction.

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